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Old 03-04-2018, 12:07 PM   #2047 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Gone Now
Artist: Bleachers
Genre: Synthpop/Indie Electronic/New Wave
Nationality: American
Release date: June 2
Position in Discography: Second
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Average RYM Score: 2.91
I must admit, some of the time I tend to initially judge an album based on its cover. Wrong, I know. Stupid, I know. But there it is. Sometimes an album cover really speaks to me (and I could end up hating the music within but I still buy it) and sometimes I'll avoid buying an album because I hate the cover, and quite possibly miss out on some really good music. I hate this cover. Really hate it. Don't know why. It reminds me of a still from Sergeant Bilko or something. And of course, once it kicks off I really like the music, which just shows, as usual, how much I know. I'm not quite sure why, but the opener has exceptionally muddy and muffled vocals for a few seconds both at the beginning and end of the track – I have to assume this is intentional – but there's nothing wrong with the production as the rest of it is clear as a bell. “Goodmorning” sounds very Beatles to me, like something off Sgt Pepper maybe, “Hate That You Know Me” is a bright and breezy bouncer, with “Don't Take the Money” a fist-thumping rocking anthem. Love all this so far.

Wonderful, exuberant brass in “Everybody Lost Somebody” and a Springsteenesque tone to “All My Heroes”, which bounces along nicely, as does “Let's Get Married”, a real sense of joy throughout this. Interestingly, there are some big hitters guesting on this album, including Carly Rae Jepsen, Lena Dunham and Lorde. “Nothing is U” is a nice departure from the generally upbeat tone of the album into a more introspective channel, and “”I'm Ready to Move On/Mickey Mantle Reprise” kind of keeps this line going, though it is slightly pacier than the previous. A really good album, which proves I should stop judging them by their covers, not that I ever will.

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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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