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Old 03-03-2018, 12:09 PM   #2030 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Two Parts Viper
Artist: '68
Genre: Punk Rock/Noise Rock/Blues Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: June 2
Position in Discography: Second
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Average RYM Score: 3.30
I think this may be the first month – one of the first, anyway – that hasn't begun with at least one K-pop album, and for that I am grateful, even if I did have to end the previous one with two of them. So grateful, in fact, that I can listen to Punk Rock without even batting an eyelid. Sort of. Punk albums seem to share one thing with K-pop ones, in that they are both generally short, and this one runs for just over half an hour with a total of ten tracks. It's not actually that bad, so far. There's a nice chanted chorus and some sweet riffs on “Whether Terrified or Unafraid”, but overall I'm not a fan of the raucous, screeching, overwrought vocal. Much of the time the words are just shouted, and while this fits in well I guess with the aggression Punk is known for, it doesn't make for a listenable song, at least not to me. Bah.

Having said that, “No Apologies” works very well. I like the line “They warn you about the wolves, but they don't warn you about the sheep.” The way he speaks most of the lines in this suits the song, at least in the midsection. The powerful, angry guitars really complement his vocal, the first time I've been able to say that on this album. The closer is pretty impressive too. But overall, not really too much to get excited about, not for me anyway.
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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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