Well, June has certainly kicked off well, I don't think. The first album up is not available anywhere – and just as well, really, as there's so little information on it – and the second one is not on Spotify, but I did manage to find it on YouTube. And here it is.
Album title: Gotti Made-It
Artist: Yo Gotti/Mike WiLL Made-It
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: June 1
Position in Discography: First collab
Estimated Rating:
Have I heard of this artist? Gotti, no; Made-it, yes
Have I heard anything by this artist? Same answer as above
Average RYM Score: 2.65
I've listened to one album by Mike WiLL Made-it, but this is the first time I've heard him collaborate with any other artist. It's a short mixtape, only nine tracks, and so far it's pretty good stuff, mostly trap from what I can make out. It's not bad, but I wouldn't be getting too excited about it. Of course, I know about as much about hip-hop as Frown knows about tact, but even so, I've heard some good hip-hop and some really bad. This doesn't even fall in between; it's just sort of ... there. Not really for me. Well now, “Letter to the Trap” is pretty sweet, but that only leaves two tracks, so even if I love them that's still more than half the mixtape I don't rate much. As it happens, the closer is pretty good but the other track, not so much. An okay mixtape but I'm sure both have done better.
Check out more from this artist? Dunno
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Actual Rating: