Album title: Bittersweet
Artist: Baek a-Yeon
Genre: K-pop
Nationality: Korean
Release date: May 29
Position in Discography: Third EP
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Average RYM Score: 2.79
And the final album for this month is a K-pop EP from a Korean Idol finalist. Well, at least it has a less dancy, more acoustic, almost sixties pop feel to it when it begins, and she's a decent singer, but sure aren't they all? Isn't that part of the problem? They're all good singers, good looking, from (presumably) good families, who chain themselves and their future to the big K-pop hit factory corporations and become a cog in the machine, ending up all sounding pretty much the same and with little to no control over their music. Also, it's ****. See you next month.
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