Album title: Dream Pt.01
Artist: Astro
Genre: K-pop
Nationality: Korean
Release date: May 29
Position in Discography: Fourth
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Average RYM Score: 2.17
And so we end May as we began, as we seem to begin every month, with a dose of K-pop. Honestly, when this starts I think I'm listening to Whistle's “Just Buggin”, but unfortunately, though that would be an infinitely preferable pastime, it's actually “Dreams Come True”. If they did, then I wouldn't have to listen to crap like this but there we go. And how I wish I could. Go, that is. Still, as I said several times before, the one saving grace of K-pop is that the albums are almost always EPs (or mini-albums, as they call them) and rarely have more than eight or ten tracks. This has eight, which is of course eight too many. Great: I've just seen they released another of these later on in the year. Can't wait for that.
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