Album title: Async
Artist: Ryuichi Sakamoto
Suggested by: Frownland
Genre: Abstract/Ambient/Experimental/Modern Classical
Nationality: Japanese
Release date: March 29
Position in Discography: Twentieth
Estimated Rating:
Have I heard of this artist? Yes
Have I heard anything by this artist? Yes
Average RYM Score: 3.28
Now hold on just a damn moment here: I've heard this! I remember, as it begins, that beautiful piano and organ piece, and I recall now having bought this, listening to it and I think uploading it to the “What Are You Listening To Now?” thread. Also, it seems to have been released at the very end of March, so technically not an April record, but for the sake of not being bloody-minded about it, I'll let it through. I'll certainly enjoy listening to it again. “Walker” and “Stakra” are two particular standouts in an album of standouts, and “Ubi”, with its constantly repeating bell or sonar or whatever that is, is both majestic, gentle and hypnotic. Some of the tracks are a bit odd – one seems to be nothing more than electronic noises and signals, and some have speech on them – but overall this is a very deep and enjoyable album by an artist who is a true master of his craft. Need to check out more of his work.
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