Album title: Shut it Down
Artist: Rawsrvant
Genre: Hip-hop/Christian Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: May 19
Position in Discography: Fifth EP; twelfth overall
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Well, during the course of this project I've come across some crazy subgenres and crossovers, but I've never yet heard of such a thing as Christian hip-hop. Well, until now that is. I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised: black culture is rooted in faith and of course this is where gospel music originated, but I just haven't heard any other artist use hip-hop to praise the Lord. It's good stuff though, even if it's only a five-track EP, have to admit that. “Ice” has a lot of trap in it, very dark, as is the title track and the closer is another good one. Very impressed.
Check out more from this artist? Yup
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? May do indeed
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