Album title: Crooked Teeth
Artist: Papa Roach
Genre: Hard Rock/Nu-metal
Nationality: American
Release date: May 19
Position in Discography: Eighth
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Average RYM Score: 2.36
Nu-metal is another one I don't tend to want to listen to much. This sounds pretty generic, although at least I can make out the vocals this time. “My Medication” is a nice change of pace, though it comes across as Metallica doing Daughtry, if you can imagine such a thing. “Born for Greatness” is not without its charm, and Skylar Grey adds her voice to “Periscope”, which is all right, but very much more in the pop than rock vein. I assume it was a single? Well, damn: it wasn't. Weird. Anyway, I guess this album is not as bad as I had expected but still nothing I'd be coming back to. For nu-metal, one of the less annoying.
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