Album title: Amber Galactic
Artist: The Night Flight Orchestra
Genre: Progressive Rock*
Nationality: Swedish
Release date: May 19
Position in Discography: Third
Estimated Rating:
Have I heard of this artist? Yes
Have I heard anything by this artist? No; I think I have this album but have yet to listen to it
Average RYM Score: 3.48
The first time I saw this band's name it evoked memories, as (as he gets misty-eyed for his long vanished youth) once upon a time I used to have a radio show on the local community radio. It was a late night show (9pm to 11pm I believe) and I called it “Night Flight Towards Midnight” (Shut up, Batty)

. Later they allowed me to extend it (I said, shut up Batty!) and I used to broadcast till 1 am, so the title changed to “Night Flight Beyond Midnight” (I'm nothing if not adaptable!) so this name, nearly thirty years later, struck a special chord with me. Yeah, you really needed to know that, didn't you? All part of the service. That said, however...
I don't think I'd consider this prog rock, more like AOR or even hard rock, at least going by the first two tracks. Not that that means I don't like it – I do, very much – but given the sources of most of the ratings on the Wiki page (
Rock Hard, Power Metal, Metal Hammer etc) it seems unlikely this could be considered anywhere close to prog rock, not even prog metal. It is, however, extremely enjoyable if more than a little derivative. Well after all, nobody, not even me, is going to accuse AOR (and let's be clear here: this is AOR, pure and simple. Prog rock my arse!) of being experimental or taking any path other than the one of least resistance, and most AOR bands consequently sound pretty interchangeable. But if you can get past that – I personally see it as part of its charm, kind of like you pretty much always know what you're going to get with power metal – then there's a lot to be enjoyed here.
Sweden is fast becoming the centre for exciting emerging AOR acts, and I'd put these guys up there with Work of Art, Houston and Care of Night, if not quite on that level yet. One thing that does stand out is the guy's voice: instead of the usual West Coast American smooth style we get a rough, gravelly set of pipes more suited to southern boogie or perhaps even melodic metal. I'd pick out “Space Whisperer” and “Gemini” as highlights here, though everything is really good. And oddly enough for a band of this stripe, not a single ballad. But a hell of an album, and great fun. Not, in any way shape or form though, progressive rock. AOR all the way. Keeps me happy either way though.
Check out more from this artist? I think I have all their albums but have yet to listen to any
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes indeedy
Actual Rating:
* Who writes these things? This is about as close to prog rock as Europe or Journey!