Originally Posted by Frownland
Have you seen It's Such a Beautiful Day?
I have! Thank you - I'd forgotten about that one. Definitely along the lines of what I'm after.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
ISB, hopefully you're going into Melancholia blind.
A total trip of a movie. In an awesome way!
I am! Looking forward to seeing it.
Originally Posted by grindy
Do yourself a favour and watch 'Woman In The Dunes'. Not only might it be the best film I've ever seen, it's also the most existentialist, being very close to the philosophy of Camus' 'Myth Of Sisyphus'.
Sounds great! I'll add it to the list!
A philosopher friend also recommended the following:
- A box set of Beckett plays including two different "Acts Without Words" and a fantastic performance by John Hurt in "Krapp's Last Tape."
- Wings of Desire
- John Frankenheimer's Seconds (with Rock Hudson)
- The Truman Show as a modern day version of Plato's allegory of the cave
- Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
- And Wit with Emma Thompson
Thank you everyone for your suggestions!