Album title: Goths
Artist: The Mountain Goats
Genre: Indie Rock/Indie Folk/Gothic Rock*
Nationality: American
Release date: May 19
Position in Discography: Seventeenth
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Average RYM Score: 3.37
A very good start. Apparently they based this album on music by The Cure, Siouxsie, Bauhaus and Joy Division, and I can hear at least some of The Cure in the opener, but I'm really hearing more Sisters of Mercy. Interestingly, I wrote that before I saw the title of the second track, which is “Andrew Eldritch is Moving Back to Leeds”.

Kind of more a psych/folk feel to that one though, perhaps ironically? I really like the third track, has that real breezy, laid back thing going on and “We Do it Different on the West Coast” is brilliant. Nothing here I don't love so far. I hear a lot of Beautiful South in “Stench of the Unburied”, and the superbly smoky sax in “Rage of Travers” just washes over you like morning mist or something. Probably something else. But damn it is sweet. “Shelved” is another masterpiece, and I just can't get over how (and I hate to use this word but it's apt) awesome this album is. I don't know what I had been expecting, but I was not expecting this. Absolutely first rate, not a bad song on it, not even one that is less than great. A new fan, right here.
Check out more from this artist? Oh good holy ****, yes!
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Actual Rating:
* Got to take issue with this tag. Gothic Rock? Not even close, not one single track; at least, not as I understand gothic rock.