Originally Posted by The Batlord
TFW you're at work quietly having the latest in series of increasingly more common episodes of incandescent rage at the entire world, and right when you need stress the least the customers decide they all want ****ing Burger King and now the hate is just building up and up and up and you're not saying a word to anyone because you're not about to make yourself look crazy in front of nearly everyone you currently know in real life, nor are you going to betray your own emotions by pretending that everything is fine, so you just stew for two hours.
And it wasn't even about the reprimand I'd just had from my boss over some dumb thing I'd done, it was about one more emerging **** day on top of 31 years of absolute garbage days and the knowledge that you must live the rest of your life in a world you will never understand or relate to with 7 billion people who will never understand you or even care to, but who expect you to be just like them regardless of what it does to your very sense of identity.
Sooner or later, days or weeks or months or years, I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown and make an unhinged scene in public that destroys whatever is left of my shattered life, and I won't even feel sad. I'll just feel liberated and blessedly defeated. **** all of this I'm getting drunk...
Write trashy novels for middle aged women to get the vapors over.
Face it, it's your destiny.