Album title: In the Rude!
Artist: The Basics
Genre: Rock
Nationality: Australian
Release date: May 19
Position in Discography: Third live album; seventh overall
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Pretty basic (sorry) rock; “So Hard For You” is pretty catchy, “Bitten By the Bug” has a semi-reggae feel to it, and there's a good uptempo rocker in “With this Ship”. Not sure whether it's set up or not, but they seem to, during one of the encores, request suggestions from the audience for songs, and the one that's picked, “Home Again” is actually really good. Funny, too, when they keep making a mess of the intro to the last song. Again, I don't know if that's part of the act, but it is quite amusing. Overall though, a decent album but I wouldn't go mad about it or anything.
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