Album title: After Laughter
Artist: Paramore
Genre: Synthpop/New Wave/Power Pop/Pop Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: May 12
Position in Discography: Fifth
Estimated Rating:
Familiar with this artist? No but I've heard of them
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Some
Average RYM Score: 3.37
Get a real feeling of early Duran Duran when this starts; very light and breezy. Yeah, well, too light and breezy really. It's not until “Fake Happy”, which is the fifth track, that I hear any sort of balls in this music. Up to then it's just been so ****ing wimpy. We'll see if it picks up from here. “26” is a nice little acoustic ballad with violins, “Idle Worship” is okay and “No Friend” is, well, different. A very faded, almost inaudible vocal, but the track is interesting. Overall though, not particularly impressed with this.
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Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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