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Old 02-15-2018, 04:54 PM   #1897 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Olga Tañón y Punto!
Artist: Olga Tañón
Genre: Pop/Latin Pop
Nationality: Puerto Rican
Release date: May 12
Position in Discography: Fifteenth
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You just can't beat the Latin rhythm, can you? It's impossible not to feel like dancing, though luckily for all involved, I restrain myself and confine myself to listening while tapping my toes. This album is hard to find information on, so much of what I'm writing is guesswork. It's good bouncy pop from the beginning anyway, with plenty of brass and congas and what have you, and she seems to be in a party mood. And that's basically all I can say. It's a party, so enjoy it. There's some guy singing with her on “Vuelva a Mi” (come to me?) which has a nice sort of relaxed feel to it, and hey, there's even a Spanish version of “Hallelujah” to close. But really, if you're having a party (as I believe people oftimes do) then you could do worse than throw this on. At least it'll get people up dancing!

Check out more from this artist? Probably not
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Don't know

Actual Rating:
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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