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Old 02-15-2018, 02:12 AM   #9735 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
Maybe, I don't know though. Worth a try, but definitely not the only thing that needs to be talked about. I think the issue is deeper. Cause you also have to remember that a mental evaluation seems to be free in the UK while out here you have to pay for the session and then worry about them falsely diagnosing you with something so they can prescribe you with something that you also have to pay for and probably shouldn't be taking because they jumped at the first chance to prescribe it.
I totally agree. Frequent school/public/etc. shootings are an issue caused by more than one broken system.

Take the studen in this recent Florida shooting, for example. He'd been dismissed from school for misbehaving, but I wonder if any amount of care was given to him before the final straw. He might have shown all sorts of signs of being in need of care.
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