Album title: Common Sense
Artist: J Hus
Genre: Afrobeat/Hip-hop/Dance hall/R&B
Nationality: American
Release date: May 12
Position in Discography: Debut
Estimated Rating:
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.93
Impressive from the off; soul melodies with a decent rap behind them, a lot of different styles too. “Plottin” is a good if slightly ominous track, though the happy, upbeat rhythms on “Sweet Cheeks” counterpoint this, “Spirit” and “Mash Up” are two good tracks too. I can respect what he's doing here, and can see how it'll appeal to a lot of people, but I'm just a little bored now (track 14 of 17) and I don't think this is for me.
Check out more from this artist? Probably unlikely
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Some, yes
Actual Rating: