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Old 02-12-2018, 07:12 PM   #5 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Let's head back to April then to check out those albums you've suggested I listen to which are

Album title: Nordic Flora Series Pt.3 (Gore-Tex City)
Artist: Varg
Suggested By: Paedentic Basterd
Genre: Electronic/Ambient/Techno
Nationality: Swedish
Release date: April 10
Position in Discography: Tenth
Estimated Rating:

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Average RYM Score: 3.32
Nicely ambient and atmospheric when it starts, becomes a little harder and more perhaps on the techno side for the second track. All instrumental so far, with the exception of some voice recordings/samples added in. This seems to be a one-man outfit, Varg consisting of one Jonas Rönnberg. There doesn't seem to be a Nordic Flora Series Pt 1 but there is a Pt. 2. Hmm. Good so far anyway. “Forever 21/Valium” has a spoken section running through it, with mostly dark ambient soundscapes behind it. It's a little weird. Don't like “Blue Line” much, with its damnable autotune on the vocal. The percussion sounds like someone moving around dishes. Tres weird. “Snake City” is very percussion-driven, almost a drum solo all through, then the bloody auto-****ing-tune is back with vocals on “Red Line II”, which I don't like one bit.

And the spoken vocal from “Forever 21/Valium” is back for “Euros & Euros & Euros”. I can't help it: I just don't like her voice, though the music is pretty sweet. Which kind of explains my problem with the album: the music is great, but when he puts on guest singers or even speakers I feel it detracts from it. Overall though, very enjoyable and I'd listen to more, but preferably just instrumental.

Check out more from this artist? Quite possibly
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes

Actual Rating:
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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