Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd
I need to teach two guest classes on research methods. Got my slides together, got my notes, but panicking and convinced I don't know anything.
Can't practice it because the lecture is almost two hours long and ain't nobody got that kind of time, so largely need to wing it and rely on notes and the power of love.
I’d prepare a couple of emergency spares like one of those things where they group up and you give each group a question or concept to consider and then they share their conclusions with the class.
Maybe even something corny where the students do some kind of on the spot research like if there’s any correlation between the clothing they’re wearing and their involvement in organized sports - or whatever
Sounds lame- is lame
But if a long lecture really starts to bomb it’s good to have an escape plan instead of just sweating it out. You don’t have to use it if things are going well but some kind of activity based emergency escape plan might be a good insurance policy.