Album title: There's Really A Wolf
Artist: Russ
Genre: Hip-hop/R&B
Nationality: American
Release date: May 5
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 1.91
Sounds all right I guess, but twenty tracks? It will need to be more than just all right for me to get through all those. “Act Now” has something about it, and on “Cherry Hill” he sings rather than raps. Another point in his favour is a total lack of guests. None. Not a one. That seems to be quite rare, especially for debut albums, so fair play to him for making it on his own terms. “Ride Slow” is almost funereal in its pace, great organ on it, like a church organ or something. Yeah, there's some good stuff here. The sentiments expressed in “Family and Friends” are refreshing, “Saved” has a nice slow, lazy rhythm to it and “One More Shot” recalls reggae and the Caribbean sound. I like “Pull the Trigger” too. Pretty impressive.
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