This is terribly important news:
Blind bisexual goose stuck in love triangle with two swans dies aged 40
A blind bisexual goose, who spent years in a love triangle with two swans raising 68 cygnets, has died aged 40.
Thomas, from Waikanae, in New Zealand, fell in love with a black swan named Henry and went on to spend the next 24 years with him. But things got messy when a young female swan called Henrietta swooped in and stole Henry’s heart. Thomas quickly became the third wheel but instead of moving on, he decided to help the new couple raise their 68 cygnets over the next six years.
His complicated relationship made him a local celebrity with many birdwatchers spending hours watching his love life unfold. But his happiness came to an end when Henry died in 2009 and Henrietta flew off with another swan, leaving Thomas all alone. He eventually went on to father his own babies, but they were then stolen by another goose called George.