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Old 02-11-2018, 12:22 AM   #16764 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chiomara View Post
I believe we had this exact same discussion 4 or so months ago. But I'm always a bit inexplicably irritated over the fact that most consider any nose (on a woman) that's not a button nose to be large even though it isn't at all. I mean, I only have so much mental energy I can devote to hating even more parts of my body. On a related note, I hate how there seems to be a fear of ugliness. Like, one cannot even be ugly in peace these days without someone feeling the need to say something like "Everyone is beautiful!! ))"-- which is why some aspects of the recent internet body-positivity movement always rang hollow to me, as we are already too obsessed with our bodies, and-- well, I'll just refer to this old internet comic which sums it up nicely:
Body positive messages also basically say between the lines; "we know you're ugly, but...", so it's like a reminder.

Originally Posted by Chiomara View Post
And ugliness/asymmetry will always be more interesting than perfect symmetrical beauty. (.. I say things like this, yet I KNOW I'm never gonna stop obsessing over my slightly asymmetrical eyes) Which is why I'm especially annoyed when I come across artists or photographers who exclusively paint/photograph skinny blonde women (lying in a pond or in a forest or whatever or some other typical setting--you know, the bland sort of unimaginative sanitized fairytale-themed stuff that always gets reposted endlessly on Pinterest or wherever) with conventionally pretty and ultimately forgettable doll faces.
Not to mention how a lot of artists like that (including some comic books artists) draw these women so that they all look like the same person. I was reading some Liberty Meadows comic strips recently, drawn by a guy named Frank Cho. Literally every female character he draws is the same slim, big titted, conventionally pretty woman, only with slight variations in cloting and hair. Not even differing facial features or anything. There's a character in the comic named Brandy. She's got long black hair. Her mother looks the same as Brandy, but with short blonde hair and glasses. Her sister looks the same too, but with long blonde hair and a different t-shirt. It's like he only bothered learning to draw one face and body, and yet his male characters are wildly different looking from each other.

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