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Old 02-09-2018, 07:13 PM   #5856 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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At work I had, all at once, at least three people who denied flu vaccines because they supposedly only became sick when they got vaccines. I tried to tell them about herd immunity, they ignored me, and I guarantee you they weren't even educated enough to know about basic vaccine denial dogma. Try dealing with ignoramuses who aren't even educated enough on the nonsense they spout for you to even refute their nonsense.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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