Album title: For Crying Out Loud
Artist: Kasabian
Genre: Electronic Rock/Electronica/Neo-psychedelia/Space Rock
Nationality: English
Release date: May 5
Position in Discography: Sixth
Estimated Rating:
Familiar with this artist? I've heard some of their material
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.75
What is the deal with Kasabian? Why are they a successful band? They seem about as generic, to me, as you can get. Well okay, “You're In Love With a Psycho” is pretty cool, very infectious melody. Was it a single? Yes. Yes, it was. Not surprised. “Wasted” is another good song, as is “Are You Looking For Action?”, which has more than a hint of funk/dance about it. As is often the case, I wonder where Wiki gets the genre tags from. Have not heard anything remotely like space rock here at all, and little if any psych, never mind neo-psych. Oh well. A fairly ordinary rock and pop album. Again, not bad but I don't see why people think these guys are so good. They're really not very different from, say, the Killers or Kaiser Chiefs or any other rock band you want to name. And this is a very average album.
Check out more from this artist? No
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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