Album title: Love Hope Faith
Artist: Colt Ford
Genre: Country Rap (!)
Nationality: American
Release date: May 5
Position in Discography: Sixth
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Average RYM Score: 3.14
Oh you cannot be serious! Country rap? I didn't even know such a thing existed. I can't imagine the two co-existing, but I guess we'll see. Well the first track kind of works, oddly enough perhaps, but yeah, it does. Mind you, most of it is sung, with a rap provided by Taylor Ray Holbrook. I could see the song working without the rap though, and probably better. Some of the songs don't have rap on them, and in general I think these work better. Songs such as “Young Americans”, “Dirt Road Disco” and “Bad Day” are decent country songs, though “My Truck”, which does include a rap, is pretty damn hilarious. As is “Time Flies” with its chorus “Time sure flies when you're havin' rum.”
Overall, I'd say I'm not quite sure the rapping works – though it doesn't detract from the music and it doesn't seem tacked on or anything – but I think the album could have survived as a standard country album without it. I guess the jury will return at some point.
Check out more from this artist? Maybe
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Not sure
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