Album title: Moments
Artist: Andrew Rayel
Genre: Progressive Trance
Nationality: Moldovan
Release date: May 5
Position in Discography: Second
Estimated Rating:
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Familiar with the genre or subgenre?No
Average RYM Score: N/A
K-pop aside, it's been a decent start for the month. Let's see if we can keep that going, though progressive trance (or any trance) has not been my thing, I have to say. This is the very first artist I've heard from Moldova, here or anywhere, so there's certainly a novelty interest in it for me. First track is really impressive, very cinematic and dramatic, instrumental. Most of it is pretty okay really, and some of it very good. I see that ATB chappie I reviewed last month helps out on the fourth track, “Connected”, but I don't know anything about him to recognise any contribution he may or may not be making. It's another instrumental, by the way.
This still isn't my thing, but it's nowhere near as bad as I had expected it to be. Some of the tracks are, as I said above, instrumental, mostly on piano or keyboards with thumping drumbeats, and some have vocals. In the latter case, it seems guests take the mike, people I don't know, though I have mentioned ATB (he doesn't sing though). There are names like Kristina Antuna, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Emma Hewitt – names, as I say, that mean nothing to me, but if you're a trance fan I guess you'll know who they are. Yeah, I could listen to this. I wouldn't be killing others to get in the door, but I wouldn't be killing others to get out either.
Check out more from this artist? Maybe
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Maybe
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