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Old 02-05-2018, 03:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
The Batlord
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Default The Godzilla Thread

There literally is not a Godzilla thread. Seriously. As a lifelong fan of Godzilla movies this is a subject near and dear to my heart, but I've in the last few days watched the first Gojira movie, which is amazing and way more nihilistic than many Western fans might expect, and am now watching the most recent Japanese Godzilla movie from 2016, Shin Godzilla, directed by the ****ing guy who did Evangelion. Pretty great movie in a lot of ways, even if the the special effects are dubious. Like, I don't know if you people are aware, but Japan basically makes a Godzilla movie a year, and has been doing so since the fifties. There are a lot of these ****ing things, and they have eras and ****.

So let's talk about Godzilla movies.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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