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Old 02-05-2018, 02:15 PM   #1762 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Violet Blaze
Artist: Nana Kitade
Genre: Pop/Dance
Nationality: Japanese
Release date: May 3
Position in Discography: Fourth solo
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Average RYM Score: 3.50
Not much to talk about really; fairly basic pop till it gets to “One Night Story”, which has something about it, and then it begins to take off a little, so I'll keep listening and see where it goes from here. Yeah, it's picking up now. “Borrowed Time” was a cool little track, and “Canary” allows her to show the softer side of her singing, which is pretty angelic really. Yeah, yeah, it's really got a whole lot better. “Nasty Radio” is I guess what you young'uns would call a boomer, or a banger, or something: it's catchy is what I'm saying, and more than that, it's infectious.

“Shed One Tear” is another fine ballad, and the closer, an uptempo poppy song, has hooks all over it. I'm quite a bit more impressed than I had expected to be, I'll tell you that. Japanese pop is not something I'm very well versed in, but I've heard one or two, and this album stands pretty much head and shoulders above any of them. A nice surprise.

Check out more from this artist? You know, I think I might
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes

Actual Rating:
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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