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Old 02-02-2018, 10:21 AM   #1732 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Okay then, before we wrap up April there's just time to look back and check out some more albums you've suggested I listen to that are

Album title: Sky Ladder
Artist: Kool A.D
Suggested By: Frownland
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: March 7
Position in Discography: Eighth
Estimated Rating:

Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.05
I like the way this starts off (this is also the title track); not much in the way of singing or rapping, just mostly kind of squelchy synthy breaks and a trappish feel to it. Some sample I guess, but I don't know what. Once he starts rapping though he's really good (given the laughably tiny bit I know about this genre) and the music/samples very soul or funky. Very pleasant I must say. He's not shy though is he? “Nothing less than the best ****ing rapper in the whole world”? Might be a few who might challenge that, my man!

I admit, his constant claims on this score get a little annoying. I mean, it seems to be in every song, also the phrase “hundred dollar freestyle”. Getting a bit stale. I've heard plenty of rappers who go on about themselves but not as much as this guy does. Pushing me towards the eject button, I have to be honest. If the next three songs have those phrases in them, I'm out. I can only take so much self-promotion and arrogance on one album. Okay, well that's one. Two more and I'm out of here. This is getting painful and very annoying. And that's two. One more and I'm hitting blue sky. And that's three. Bye!

Check out more from this artist? The best rapper in the world? Absolutely not.
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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