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Old 02-01-2018, 09:35 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Still having trouble with .MKV files. Freemake either burns them to disc with no audio, or it messes up half way through the conversion process, EVERY TIME.

I tried to convert the files to MP4's or AVI's, but it takes like 10 minutes for every 1 minute of video. Same thing with other programs [WinX Vid, HandBrake, etc.]. It would take me like 3 days straight to convert the files to something other than .MKV.

VLC works faster and says that it converts successfully, but when you go to play the video, it won't play.

I have the first season of The Blue Planet [8 episodes] that I am trying to burn to a DVD. I can't find the episodes in anything but .MKV [except for one].
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