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Old 01-31-2018, 01:28 PM   #20938 (permalink)
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Can't accuse you of lacking confidence. Although you could be improved with a tad less arrogance.


Just finished watching first half of a mini-series called Jesus of Nazareth. It is effectively two movies, each of over 3 hours in length. It is directed by Franco Zeffirelli who also oversaw that 1990 Hamlet movie with Mel Gibson that I saw last year.

I'm not religious, but I often find religiously themed movies very interesting. Jesus of Nazareth is by far the most thorough telling of the story of Jesus that I've seen so far. Now that I'm just about halfway through, we've only reached the point where Judas joins the diciples and Herod has just beheaded John the Baptist. Every single plot point of that Mel Gibson Jesus movie I hate so much has yet to come, so I'm very curious how that all plays out in Jesus of Nazareth. It sticks (as far as I can tell) rather close to the Bible, managing to neither come off as sanctimonious, nor as really questioning the material.

It's quite a mouthful and I am cutting it up in four parts to get through more easily. It honestly starts a bit slow, but gets steadily more interesting. I'm thinking it might even be a keeper, when once I'm finally all the way through, which I guess isn't bad for a 6 hours and 22 minutes long movie about Jesus.
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