Originally Posted by OccultHawk
I’d wager most Juggalos are smarter than average.
Having known several this is not my experience. They've come across as being just as capable of not knowing what Germany is.
People who are that ignorant never shut up. In public school, if the principal walks in on a teacher’s class and the students are reading or listening to a lecture the principal marks the teacher down because the students are unengaged or it’s not “student centered”. If the kids are sitting in little pods of four cutting up paper into “foldables” and talking about whatever the teacher gets great marks. Or the kids do “think, pair, and share” where they supposedly teach each other (about **** they don’t know). Just examples, but in simpler terms it’s like this: The teacher has about of 50% chance of actually understanding the content that is supposed to be taught and 0% chance of getting the kids to shut the **** up. Since the kids never get shut up the never learn anything so of course they end up not knowing what Germany is. They don’t even know what a country is. You ask them to name a foreign country and they say Miami.
I’ve heard three science teachers deny evolution. I knew a social studies teacher who was a 9/11 “truther”. At lunch, with about six other teachers none of them had heard of Easter Island. They don’t know what carbon is. They don’t understand how the greenhouse effect works. They never heard of Mao Tse Tung. I’m not exaggerating. Teachers.
I once had a teacher who thought the leader of all American forces in Vietnam was Lieutenant Calley, the army officer who perpetrated the My Lai Massacre. He was a history teacher. This was a question on a test. He wouldn't even admit to being wrong when I challenged him in front of the entire class. Even if you don't know who Calley is I'd think his Lieutenant rank would give away that he wasn't a general.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
Bolded is ridiculously optimistic.
lol I figured you'd take issue with that. I was at least willing to give idiots that much credit, but of course you're right.