Music Banter - View Single Post - Madonna - Confessions On A Dancefloor
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Old 02-26-2006, 10:11 AM   #3 (permalink)
Expletive Deleted
Dancing Machine
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Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
If it has her Hung Up song on it, Im going to steal every copy from the shops (so she's not getting my money) and burn them all. Stupid whore for ripping off Abba and thinking she could get away with it.... Without that in the background, that song would be pure crap and she knows it. She's lost her touch altogether.

Haha sorry marijan, I know you said no insults, but hell... I hate Hung Up with a passion.
1. ABBA sucks way more than Madonna does.
2. Artists have been sampling each other for years now and it's "ok," but Madonna does it and actually does something good with it and she's "ripping them off?"
3. People who don't like Madonna are silly, she makes great pop music. What is there not to like?

I finally bought the album a few days ago and I like it. Not her best, but a lot better than American Life.
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