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Old 01-30-2018, 03:50 PM   #7354 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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1. What is the NICEST thing that you have ever done?

I only gave Batlord a month. I'm a ****en saint.

2. Free hooker or a free bag of cannabis?

Lemme get one a them hookers, a 50 gallon drum of baby oil and a HAZMAT suit.

3. Free ammo for life or a free new gun every year?

4. What's the most $ you've ever randomly found before?

I found $180 in the snow once a long time ago in HS. It turned out to belong to an ex GF that lived down the street. She dumped me so...

5. Do you prefer clear or dark liquors?

If it's clear it's beer, if it's yeller yer a feller.

6. What do you think happens to a person's soul after they die?

People are taught to think this way. It's what ever you want to happen. Who says we have to have a soul? It's your own thoughts and perception.
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