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Old 01-27-2018, 10:14 PM   #20935 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Colorado
Posts: 513

Saw Downsizing last night at the second-run theater... holy **** was that a quick transition. Anyways, despite the bad reviews, I did want to see this just because it looked like it might have a few good laughs and some entertainment value - not enough to warrant full ticket price or even a matinee really, but it looked intriguing enough. It wasn't half bad. It got a little bit long, they could've shaved 30-40 minutes off of it and it would've been better. There were a couple of characters with some promise that never got fleshed out at all, and the plot is exactly what you think it's going to be from the trailers so it's kind of predictable. It was still worth the $3 and dare I say, the $5 matinee even. I liked the kitschy vibe as as well as the more subtle satirical moments that are scattered throughout the movie, although some things are overemphasized and it gets a little tiring.
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