Album title: Anti-Melody
Artist: American Standards
Genre: Metalcore/Harcore Punk/Post-Hardcore/Hard Rock (seriously?)
Nationality: American
Release date: April 28
Position in Discography: Second
Estimated Rating:
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Average RYM Score: 3.25
I certainly don't like the look of the title! If there's one thing I look for in my music it's a decent sense of melody, so this could be pretty raw, I don't know. Or the title may have nothing to do with the music. Okay, well, that seems to be the case indeed, as this certainly has plenty of melody as it starts. Even the vocal, at least on the first track, sounds better to me than on the previous album. Good start. And then the vocal gets growly and guttural for the second track, but it's still really good.
Well that's just great! I've been listening to the next album from All That Remains all this time!

No wonder it sounded so good! Jesus Christ! So, begin again: this opens with what would be more in line with hardcore punk as I would have expected, and this time I really don't like it though I don't exactly hate it. Very raw indeed, very aggressive. Don't appeal to me at all now.
Check out more from this artist? No
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Some, yes; others, no
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