Album title: Gumbo
Artist: P.J Morton
Genre: R&B/Soul/Funk/Jazz-Fusion
Nationality: American
Release date: April 21
Position in Discography: Fourth
Estimated Rating:
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Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.33
All right, I'll say it: anything to Jelly Roll? No? Right, that's that out of the way. Sounds kind of like Stevie Wonder to me, but I could do without the guest rap on “Claustrophobic": it seems completely out of place to me. “Sticking To My Guns” is damn funky though, while “Religion” recalls the very best of seventies soul, and also, perhaps oddly, to me at any rate, puts me in mind of Lighthouse Family. Yeah but it kind of tails off from there, and ending with a version of “How Deep Is Your Love” is an odd move, I feel. Not a bad version, but doesn't help the album finish any less strongly than it was going to.
Check out more from this artist? On balance, probably not
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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