The day after my computer went ape **** I booted up my 360 and got absolutely sucked into the Tomb Raider reboot from a few years ago after having gotten like a third of the way through when it came out. Then I didn't have any more TR games and was very sad, until I ordered Rise of the Tomb Raider a couple days ago off Amazon. Today was supposed to be the day when I got off work, bought a ****load of beer, and came home to find it on my doorstep. Apparently it's due "by 8pm" so now I sit here, Croftless, nursing my sorrow and a malt liquor, impatiently waiting.
Originally Posted by Qwertyy
it is a lot, that’s the joke you *** drinker.
Knowing you, you sheltered, bourgeois douche nozzle, who's to say?
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
I can assure you it only gets worse. Have fun!
To be fair idk if the end game stuff makes you invincible but im like 10 hours deep and all i can say is "but i dont wanna".
I'd love to play Subnautica if my computer could handle it. I've seen a bunch of Markiplier's Sub videos and it looks like exactly the kind of crafting game I'd lose a month or twelve to. And being a pussy who doesn't even like going in over his waist at the beach I'm sure it would almost qualify as a horror game.