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Old 01-21-2018, 09:57 AM   #7268 (permalink)
Still sends his reguards.
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Trying to get out of the cat town....
Posts: 5,039

1.) How do you deal with aging? (Or the idea of aging, if you're a young whippersnapper)

in a couple of weeks i will officially be in my mid 40s....i've gotten over my loss of hair but i have to admit the new and constant pains are annoying....i suppose i deal with it by running

2.) What's the dumbest thing you've lost your temper (or angry-cried about) over?

probably a girl

3.) What is something you'll likely always be somewhat bitter about no matter what?

finding out that something i thought was just for me and was very special was not

4.) What is the last thing that sent you into a hysterical laughing fit?

i honestly do not remember

5.) What is something small that someone can do or say (or give) that can significantly or at least moderately improve an otherwise terrible day?

i always enjoy a nice embrace after a long hard day

6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?

when i was 15, at the end of summer break, a friend called and said he had extra ticket to go to the Shakespeare festival in Ashland OR. While waiting for the Globe to open so we could sit to see Henry the Fourth i went for a stroll and noticed a man following me. Eventually he approached me and we talked about acting, the festival, and what i liked to do in my spare time. Soon the conversation steer towards my sexual identity even after i explained i was straight he attempted to lure me back to his room with the promise of beer and weed. In hindsight i should have notified the police....i honestly don't think this was his first ballgame
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