1.) How do you deal with aging? (Or the idea of aging, if you're a young whippersnapper)
I don't really deal with it, it is what it is. I'm still on the right side of thirty though so the worst it gets is when I get jealous of the successes of people younger than me.
2.) What's the dumbest thing you've lost your temper (or angry-cried about) over?
I've told this story before but I punched a boy in the nose in sixth grade after he called me osama bin laden.
3.) What is something you'll likely always be somewhat bitter about no matter what?
oh there are too many things to choose only one
4.) What is the last thing that sent you into a hysterical laughing fit?
I recently discovered Nardwuar so probably something related to him, or something funny my dog did.
5.) What is something small that someone can do or say (or give) that can significantly or at least moderately improve an otherwise terrible day?
cunnilingus. or buying me a burrito.
6.) What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger (in real life)?
when i was like 5 i was with my dad and stepmom and i guess this elderly couple saw us and began fawning over me and my parents agreed that the couple could essentially borrow me for the day, take me out to lunch and then to the park, etc. so they sent me off with these complete strangers and i guess eventually they brought me back? i don't know, i have a vivid memory of being in the back of their car and thinking "oh this is what kidnapping is" but i was ok with it.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)