Album title: Narkopop
Artist: Gas
Genre: Ambient/Ambient Techno/Microhouse/Drone
Nationality: German
Release date: April 21
Position in Discography: Fifth
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Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A very little
Average RYM Score: 3.43
First track is almost pure drone (I think); just one long expression really with very little in the way of variation, and this continues into the second track (all of which are labelled with the title of the album, so “Narkopop 1”, “Narkopop 2” etc) which brings in some fuzzy percussion. Knd of reminds me of Solar Fields, whom I didn't get at first but now really enjoy. Same sort of progression going through much, if not all, of the album. Makes it hard to review, but a pleasure to listen to. It's really lulling, quite hypnotic and I can see why drone is becoming so popular.
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