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Thread: The Flu 2018
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Old 01-19-2018, 01:31 PM   #39 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
**** anecdotal evidence all day every day.
Why is that anecdotal if it's actually happening to us? It's not like "we know a guy who says". Sure, I'm "that guy" in this situation, so you don't have to believe me, but what I'm saying is that my own first-hand evidence is that it does work. For us.

They should be. If it were my company I would make that a fireable offense.
Yeah that's what I think too.
There's a window where you can still get infected, but once the vaccine is effective (1-2 weeks), your body is immune from those specific viruses (hence the term immunization). As you probably know, there are always multiple strains of the flu, so there is the possibility that you can still catch an alternative strain of flu from what you were immunized from.
Spoke to Karen's doctor today and she said that as we have been getting immunised for the last few years, we are likely to have built up more of a tolerance to the new strain than people who are only starting to get the jab this year. We're not immune - nobody really is - but we're higher up on the immunity ladder, as it were.
Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
I just know people have gotten sick after taking a flu shot. I've got nothing against vaccines in general in case people are thinking I'm some sort of Jenny McCarthy nut case. I just don't trust flu shots.

BTW, I've never gotten a severe case of the flu either and I'm 56.
When they jab me they say you need to stay in the pharmacy for about 15 minutes, as you might feel dizzy or sick, but after that you should be ok. Of course there is always the possibility of side effects, but that's on a case by case basis.
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
You're Jenny McCarthy.
I bet his tits aren't as big though.
Originally Posted by Exo View Post
Please see appropriate Frownland Facts below...

I'm lad you're not anti-vax though. Had me worried.
You are a lad, yes, this is true.
Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
Never had a flu shot, get the flu probably once a year. I get sick all the time though, hazards of the job I guess. Plus I too am lazy and hate myself so tbh my immune system is always at a disadvantage.
Plus you're like four animals rolled into one. Imagine the immune system at work there!
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
You should if you're working with kids. People who care for the young or old can infect them without showing any symptoms.

Very good point. Plus you don't want the parents sueing you...
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