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Old 01-17-2018, 01:18 PM   #1601 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: neXt
Artist: ATB
Genre: Pop/Trance/Techno/Progressive Trance
Nationality: German
Release date: April 21
Position in Discography: Tenth
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Average RYM Score: 2.90
This guy may have ten albums out but this is my first listen to him, so from my point of view, having a female guest vocal on the very first track is not the greatest way to make the proper impression. That said, it's a hell of a good pop song, and she's a great singer. At least, unlike the other German pop album reviewed very recently, this is all in English, which will make it easier for me to get a handle on it. Or not. Okay, I see the guy who goes under the name of ATB – Andre Tanneberger – is a music producer, so I guess he doesn't sing on this at all, as there appear to be different vocalists on every, or almost every track (some of them reprise their performance later). So I guess we're looking at an Alan Parsons Project type thing here, where Alan Parsons produces and plays but never sings.

Just four tracks in, but I'd say it's a decent enough pop record with some techno features that doesn't really appeal to me, and as it's a double album I ask myself the question as to whether or not I have any hope of getting through it all? The trouble is that, not being an afioconado of this kind of music, I have no touchstone to use and it all seems disjointed to me, like I'm listening to a various artists album or some taster for pop/trance/techno/whatever. Meh. Yeah, basically this sounds like the sort of thing people would shake their booties to over in Ibiza or whatever; great fpr dancing but not so great for listening to and crap for reviewing. Really nice piano intro on “Connected” is quickly shoved aside for a heavy bassy trance rhythm and the song becomes another generic (for me, anyway) dance song. I think I've had enough now.

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(Interestingly, look at this other ATB video I found! Didn't know Jansz was that famous!)
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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