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Old 01-09-2018, 09:02 AM   #1507 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Dopamine
Artist: Mila J
Genre: R&B
Nationality: American
Release date: April 7
Position in Discography: Fourth EP
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Average RYM Score: 2.17
Can anyone explain to me how something with thirteen tracks gets called an EP and not an album? That, and the fact that I can't find a picture for this album that works, aside, there's a beautiful and dirty ballad to open, and “No Fux” has me interested already. Like the next one too. Sure, she's using Autotune, but I'm gradually (very gradually) getting over my hatred of that, and so far this is pretty damn sweet. Still, I have to say the reverse of the title of the fourth track is true and “I do (not) Love You” - hate this song, just terrible. Hopefully it's just a blip, and given that it features vocals from someone called I. Rich (seriously?) I'm going to temporarily blame its crappiness on him.

Yeah, next one is much better (without the Rich one) although the warped stuff at the end is very annoying, but at least it comes right at the end and doesn't ruin the track. Odd though: this started off really well and I thought I'd be raving about it, but now I'm losing interest as it devolves into a fairly basic pop/r&b effort. Hopefully it'll pick up again but at the moment I'm certainly swinging towards the opposite opinion to the one I had expected to be espousing. Yeah, I'm just waiting for it to end now. What a turnaround! It's like the first two tracks were from a totally different album, and it just went downhill at a gallop after that.

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Actual Rating:
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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