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Old 01-08-2018, 11:50 PM   #20798 (permalink)
Godless Ape
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I have some time off this month so I've decided to watch all of the primary Star Wars movies so far (expect Last Jedi because I cant get a HD copy atm) in chronological order for the first time ever.

This is the order I'm watching them in;

1. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
2. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
3. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Spoiler for Prequel Trilogy (quick summary):
So, all in all I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, the pacing was a bit off at times in EP 1&2 and the acting was a bit underacted at times but the character development between Anakin and Obi-Wan was great, nice and in depth showing a clear mutual respect and teamwork.

The rest of the primary characters I felt had the appropriate amount of screen time to become a quintessential part of the plot leading up to their ends or continuations and the way they portrayed Anakins decent into the darkside was done well and streamlined well enough for new audiences and in depth enough for existing audiences.

My favourite of the three would be episode III.
The pacing was a lot better, the characters all had their arks tied up adequately (maybe could of had an extra 20 minutes on the run time) and the last two fight scenes were not only badass, well orchestrated and well acted but (partnered with John Williams' score) musically pleasing and grand.

If felt like a solid and complete prequel trilogy I reckon.

5. Star Wars: Rogue One

Spoiler for Rogue One (quick summary):
This one was alot better than I expected.

I liked the way it felt a bit grittier and more serious portrayed with guerrilla warfare, while it took a way from the 'fun' aspect of what seems to make Star Wars Star Wars it was still a nice change of pace.

I felt the plot was written well with justifiable reason throughout. I also went into it thinking there was gonna be a **** load of supporting roles which all had no development, thankfully I was wrong.

The action itself looked great, beautiful even.
The special effects were also great coupled with the music and the climax of the film as an opener to the original trilogy felt complete.

My only real gripe with it is that Myn and Cassian didn't feel very memorable and didn't really have any unique traits or distinguishable features about them.
They seemed a bit Vanilla but were acted great none the less.

Oh, yeah... and Donnie Yen rules.

6. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
7. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
8. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Spoiler for Original Trilogy (quick summary):
Really enjoyed these three from start to finish so much so that I watched all three of them in one sitting.

Thought it aged surprisingly well considering the time of release and magnitude of special effects needed to create the universe.

The practical effects were also really well done, there were alot more than I thought there would be which is good.

The pace seemed abit slower in VI but for some reason I was completely fine with it as the time it took was getting to know a new species (which i loved instantly).

The way it humanised Anakin by the end after he'd turned to the dark side was great, redeeming himself at the end attributing to Luke skills and senses.

I thought Vader killing Palpatine and then dying from the shock damage was the best was they could've done it.

The banter between characters like C3P0, Han and Chewie etc was also great.
Added a nice contrast of personality and charm to them all.

Again, a nice and complete trilogy, a lot of fun.

9. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Spoiler for The Force Awakens (quick summary):
While I would've liked to see more about Rens backstory, how Han and Leia came to conceive him and how Lukes Jedi restoration ended prematurely it was still a very fun and enjoyable time.

Hans death was a right bastard but I already knew it was coming because 4chan spoilt it.

Loved all the new characters, the plot, the visual effects, the acting etc

The pacing was a little off at times but all together wasn't a problem.

Also loved the little cameos here and there eg. Yayan Ruhian, Iko Uwais, Cecep Arif Rahman etc

A nice continuation.

Can't remember if I've seen any Star Wars movie all the way through and this is way overdue tbh, should be interesting.

''To be honest, in my opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view,
but also by looking into this matter from a different perspective and by considering each and every one's valid opinion,
I do believe that I forgot what I was going to say.''

S p o t i f y

Last edited by Akai; 01-15-2018 at 02:48 PM.
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