Album title: Dubtopia
Artist: Gentleman's Dub Club
Genre: Reggae
Nationality: English
Release date: April 7
Position in Discography: Third
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So far, all the reggae I've heard has been very cheerful and upbeat. Maybe there's a subgenre called Depressive Suicidal Black (sorry) Reggae, but if so I ain't come across it yet, and every reggae song evokes images of golden sands, pretty women, sea breezes and bright sunshine. Can't be bad, right? Interested to see these guys are English: the only English reggae band I know of (and I know ****-all about the genre anyway) is UB40, and they really annoy me mostly. But this is good so far. Love the bright organ on “Let a Little Love”. You can't not love “Fire in the Hole” either, the instrumental “Gridlock” is class, and “Hotter” sounds like it might be ska? Possibly with a hint, almost, of techno at times? I'd say I enjoyed this pretty much all the way through.
Check out more from this artist? Yeah
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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