Album title: Fenomeno
Artist: Fabri Fibra
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: Italian
Release date: April 7
Position in Discography: Ninth
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Average RYM Score: 2.27
Great: yet another hip-hop album with some goon on the phone thinking that constitutes a track, and this time it is of course in Italian, so means even less to me. Why do they do this? It's like that squeaky voice so many of them use. Annoying. Once it gets going though, “Red Carpet” ain't bad. Can't understand any of the lyric of course, but the rhythm and melody are good. In fact, most of this is pretty good really. “Stavo Pensando A Te” particularly impresses me. I start to wonder if I'm becoming a fan of Italian hip-hop?

Been a pretty fun ride, and given that there are seventeen tracks on this it didn't drag and I enjoyed pretty much all of it. Avanti!
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