Album title: Memories ... Do Not Open
Artist: The Chainsmokers
Genre: Electronic/Pop
Nationality: American
Release date: April 7
Position in Discography: Debut
Estimated Rating:
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Average RYM Score: 1.20 (I think we have hit a new low! Is this even lower than G-Eazy and Carnage?)

What is it with April? Everyone wants to release their debut in this month? And on the same day? Here we have three debuts, one after the other, released on the same day. Still, with the memory of The Big Moon behind us, this one, too, impresses me from the beginning. There are a lot of conventional, even cliched pop tropes used, but somehow this album seems to avoid being relegated (by me, anyway) to the status of just another pop album. It definitely has something. Apparently, that something is Coldplay. Well, on one track anyway: “Something Just Like This” is written by them, and sung by Chris Martin, so essentially that's a Coldplay song with the members of Chainsmokers merely providing a backing band really. Actually, not even that, as all of Coldplay are on it too. And helped write it. Well then, even more a Coldplay song. Whether that loses respect for them in your eyes or not is up to you; it is a disappointment to me. But then, it's only one track so maybe I won't hold it against them.
“It Won't Kill Ya” and “Paris” soon help me to forget that though, and the album continues the upswing in quality it was enjoying up to then. Not that the Coldplay song isn't a good one, but, well, it's just, you know, Coldplay, and doesn't belong here at all. “Young” kind of comes across as a lot Train, some Deacon Blue, then they do it again by closing with another collaboration, this time with Florida Georgia Line. “Last Day Alive” is a good song, but again, it's not this band but another one playing it. I'm afraid this will reflect in the rating.
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