Album title: That's Your Lot
Artist: Blaenavon
Genre: Indie Rock
Nationality: English
Release date: April 7
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 3.19
It's weird: in complete contrast to the last band, who are also an English indie rock band releasing their debut, I'm immediately more drawn to this album from the beginning than I was through the whole length of the other. There's just more energy, interest and I don't know what here, but it's caught me from the first track. Maybe that will fade as it goes along, but it's at least a far better start than The Big Moon's effort. The vocalist has a much more engaging voice (I found the other one to be more rooted in punk/garage styles. Maybe) and there is a nice mix of ballads and harder rockers on here. A lot more impressed overall. “Alice Come Home” has a great sense of building up into something, which it certainly does, and “Ode to Joe” is another fine track with a great extended instrumental section at the end.
Even the longest track, the just shy of eight minutes “Swans” doesn't get boring or seem overstretched in any way, and is something, to be fair, of a
tour-de-force, perhaps even the centrepiece of the album, certainly one of the standouts. Yeah, so different to The Big Moon it's like night and day. Stupendous stuff, very impressed indeed.
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