Originally Posted by [MERIT]
And you think that is right?
Yes, I think that it is right for a business to treat customers on the same set of standards.
So, when, in your mind, does a vendor have the right to refuse service?
When the customer is being unreasonable such as by requesting a service that the business doesn't offer, if they're being aggressive or violent, if they are not complying with your posted rules or local ordinances, and many other cases that go far beyond something innate like sexuality or skin colour.
What if the customer is an asshole?
As long as they're not a big enough ******* during the transaction to be deemed unreasonable, then they get to have a cake too.
What if the person is LEGALLY open carrying a firearm, but the store has a no-firearms policy? Can they refuse service and ask him to leave? Is THAT not discrimination?
You can leave your firearm at home or check it when you get into the business. You can't do that as easily with something like skin colour or sexuality which is why we made these laws in the first place.
You pansies can't just pick and choose when you want laws to apply.
To you and everyone else in this thread:
Stop the name calling or you will be banned.
Anyways, show me where I'm being selective in this instance. I firmly believe in equal protection under the law for homosexuals, minorities, straight people, Nazis, geniuses, and idiots alike.